This Week at ORLC
Annual Fellowship Events
Caring Ministries
Daily Bible Reading/Devotion
Contact Us

This Week at Our Redeemer                                                   1/13/25  

Join us this Sunday as we praise God and celebrate His love.

Sunday, January 19th
   •     Adult Bible Study in the main hall at 9:30 a.m.
   •     Worship with Holy Communion at 11:00 a.m.

                  Our worship location is at:
            The Meeting Place (Old Finn Hall)
        10411 234th Ave E. Buckley, WA 98321

          Get online directions (Google Maps)

Second Sunday after the Epiphany

Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 62:1–5
Epistle: 1 Corinthians 12:1–11
Holy Gospel:  John 2:1–11
Liturgical Color: Green
Pastor: Rev. Dan Lochner

Buckley Kiwanis
     Food Bank

      The last Sunday of the month is FOOD BANK
      SUNDAY. However, you can bring you
      donations in on any Sunday. 

Special Needs! Updated for January:
Looking for donations of the following: egg cartons (dozen size only), small soups; noodles/pasta; pork and beans; beef stew; canned chicken; toilet paper; tooth paste cookie/cake mix; and Jell-O.


Let's CAN hunger!


Check out the flower chart on the clip board and please indicate when you would like to provide flowers for our Sunday Services

Ever wanted to read through the Bible in a year? (Anytime is a great time to start) Take up the challenge and visit our Daily Bible Readings/Devotions tab. Blessings abound each day!

Keep the following congregants in your prayers: 

    •      Missionaries Andrew Fedder and family in Romania
    •      LBT Missionaries Tim and Erin Schulte in Cameroon
    •      Russ Bartels – Health concerns 
    •      Jim Swanson – Health concerns
    •      Johnny Peterson – Health concerns
    •      Ben Richardson – Health concerns


   •      People in L.A. who have lost homes and business' to fire
   •      Dick F. Parkinson's Disease
   •      Sandy F. Alzheimer’s Disease
   •      Stephen N. – Foot Infection
   •      James – Serious injuries from a rollover truck accident
   •      Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) and persecuted Christians throughout
           the world
   •      ORLC as we seek the Lord's guidance for our continuing ministry
           in the Bonney Lake/Buckley area  ___________________________________________________________

Serving this Sunday: Communion Assistant: Jim Senger; Lector: Jim Senger; Ushers: Sandy Smith and Dean Brynestad; Greeter: Bob Smith; Altar Care: Gayle Senger; Flowers; Russ and Linda Jones